Until 60 years ago precious millets such as Foxtail, Barnyard, Kodo, Brown top and Little millet were commonly consumed in India. These have now been replaced predominantly by grains such as rice and wheat.

Farming aspect
To harvest 1 kg of rice 8,000 liters of water and to harvest wheat 9,000 liters of water is required. To produce1 kg of sugar 28,000 liters of water is required. By the time 1 kg of meat is produced, at least 50,000 liters of water will be consumed.
Also huge quantities of pesticides and fertilizers are being used, subjecting the earth to torture. Foods produced in this manner bring disease and pain to the human body.
Whereas to grow 1 kg of millets, just 300 liters of water is required without the use of pesticides or fertilizers.
These millets have a place in history over millenia in India, China, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Italy, Turkey, South Africa, Ethiopia, Greece, etc.,

Health Benefits
When these millets were commonly consumed, diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive problems, cancer, etc., were virtually unheard of. Off late these diseases have become common, even amongst the young.
When the fiber content in rice & wheat is compared with that of millets, in 100 grams of rice and wheat the fiber contained is 0.2 & 1.2 grams respectively, while 100 grams of millets contain 8 to 12.5 grams of fiber.
Higher fiber content will result in slower release of glucose into the blood stream. As a result of which diseases such as blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases will be cured. But for this to happen, sugar, rice, wheat, maida and meat should not be consumed.
Special properties different in millets:
Kodo Millet: This is “Adi beeja” (Original seed) named after the Sun. Light red color in appearance, this millet plays a major role in cleansing the blood. When diagnosed with diseases like Dengue, Malaria, chronic cold and fever this is a suitable food to help cure the same. It helps in regenerating the cells in the bone marrow also.
Foxtail Millet: Light yellow color in appearance. Apart from rejuvenating the nervous and vascular systems, it helps in curing gastric trouble and epilepsy. During pregnancy women should consume this millet. Subsequently if the newborn gets fever, it will not develop into epilepsy. Great sages and poets have praised this phenomenal property of the Foxtail millet. Note: Women in post pregnancy stage should not consume Foxtail millet for a period of one year after delivery.
Little Millet: Dull white color in appearance, this is a complete solution for issues related to reproductive systems. While it repairs ovary related issues and harmonal imbalances in women, it improves the reproductive strengths in men.
Barnyard Millet: White color in appearance, its fiber helps in increasing the efficiency of ductless glands such as pancreas, thyroid etc., and also helps in cleansing of liver & kidney. It is the appropriate food for curing liver related diseases. For example, Jaundice.
Browntop Millet: Light greenish/greyish color in appearance, it helps in improving the efficiency of the digestive system and in cleansing the body from metabolic waste. As early as the 18th century, this millet was consumed widely in the Americas.
DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. None of the products are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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